LOS ANGELES, CA — JANUARY 7, 2025 — According to book-industry insiders, fewer than 300 ghostwriters worldwide routinely make six-figure incomes ghostwriting books for premium fees. The reason for this small population is not for lack of available work—it’s for lack of available professionally trained ghostwriters. WAMBTAC COMMUNICATIONS LLC aims to change that.
For the past 14 years, WAMBTAC has offered the world’s first and only all-inclusive ghostwriting professional designation course. One hundred of the highly paid professional book ghostwriters in today’s talent pool are graduates of their training course, The Ghostwriting Professional Designation Program (GPDP). WAMBTAC’s next 14-month course will launch again January 13, 2025 with an admission deadline on this Friday, January 10, 2025 via their website, ghostwritertraining.com. The monthly tuition is $650.
GPDP is a prestigious, UPCEA award-winning program and the only all-inclusive direct path to professional book ghostwriting. GPDP is open to writers, editors, journalists, and freelance ghostwriters who want to transition from catch-as-catch-can freelancing to a profitable solopreneur career.
“Most graduates earn $35,000 to $65,000 per book immediately, and report increased annual revenues of 50 to 150 percent in the first few years. GPDP has already helped over 100 professionals from organizations like ASJA, EFA, NAIWE, IWOSC, and CWC gain the knowledge and skills they needed to succeed in the lucrative book-ghostwriting world,” explained GPDP founder and renowned ghostwriting expert Claudia Suzanne. “Now we want to expand our exclusive training into communities where vital personal, cultural, and historical stories are being glossed over or misrepresented because there simply aren’t enough trained book ghostwriters to go around,” she added.
GPDP empowers students to bid on and close premium-fee projects, provide high-quality ghostwriting services, and deliver marketable literary properties. Combining online and live instruction, GPDP includes detailed assignment feedback and one-on-one guidance on request.
“We’re not just another online class,” said Eric “Kata” Schuyler, dean of students and GPDP instructor. “We’ll do anything we can to help students grasp the skills, knowledge, mindsets, psychology, and business practices they need to make their clients happy while earning the fees they deserve.”
“GPDP isn’t like any course or program I’ve taken before,” agreed GPDP graduate and professional ghostwriter Joshua Lisec, who says he began incorporating many of GPDP’s techniques with his clients as he learned them in class. “The industry knowledge I gained has been invaluable.”
GPDP graduate Lorraine Ash added, “Years later, I’m still marveling how GPDP covers every… single… possible… scenario that arises!”